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Saturday, 11 October 2014


hothead.gif (500×250)
Google Images: Tom and Jerry

You know when you get a paper cut and at the time it feels like the absolute worst pain imaginable?  Sometimes, I will be overcome by a wave of seething anger at what I like to call a 'first world problem.'  That is to say something that in the grand scheme of things is not actually that bad but nevertheless causes unheard of levels of fury for several seconds when it occurs.  Here are 10 of my triggers of irrational rage:

  1. When tweezing and that one, tenacious little hair refuses to be plucked no matter how close you get to the mirror.
  2. When your phone battery inexplicably jumps from half charged to 10% in five minutes.
  3. When my boyfriend comes to my house to ‘spend time with me’ then immediately steals the remote and puts football on.
  4. When you treat yourself to a bottle of wine only to find your Dad/Brother/Sister has quaffed it.
  5. Liquid eyeliner smudges.
  6. Finding empty packets of biscuits in the cupboard.
  7. When my cat decides to scratch on my bedroom door in the middle of my new relaxation app.
  8. When you run a bath only to find out the hot water ran out midway.
  9. Unwanted predictive text amendments.
  10. My alarm clock.

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