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Thursday, 6 November 2014

MY TOP 5 FAVOURITE THINGS ABOUT AUTUMN... all rolled into one.

Sometimes I can’t help feeling a little bit sorry for Autumn.  Think about it:  Spring is associated with frolicking lambs and buds bursting into bloom; Summer evokes images of sun-drenched beaches and a jug of Pimms in the garden; and everyone knows that Winter is a time for log fires and Christmas trees.  Meanwhile, poor old Autumn is essentially about leaves dying and the weather turning damp and dismal.

However, never have I been more appreciative of this underrated season than I was last night, when all my favourite Autumnal activities rolled into one, magical evening.

  1. Snuggly Autumn Fashion.  Immediately upon stumbling out of the cold and into my house after work last night, I ran up to my bedroom and chose my outfit for the evening.  Bring on layers upon layers of soft cream cable-knit, woolly socks, a mile-long tartan scarf, a cute little cream beret and even a pair of woollen mittens.  I was ready…
  2. Bonfire Night.  Remember, remember the 5th of November… when thousands of my fellow Brits head to various fields to enjoy gigantic bonfires and incredible fireworks.  My family, friends and I trundled along to a local school and were suitably awed by potentially the greatest ever Chinese invention.  The cute firemen in attendance didn’t hurt the ambience either.
  3. Comfort Food.  With darkness rolling in earlier each evening, Autumn is a more forgiving season for indulging in a few culinary naughties.  Cue jumbo hot dog resting on a bed of fried onions and lovingly nestled within a fluffy bap.  Complete with ketchup and mustard and you’re good to go.  The 5 star hygiene rating of the fast food vender somehow made it taste even better!
  4. Red Wine.  Gone are the endless Summer evenings where you can happily while away the hours of sun in a beer garden with your friends, nursing an ice cold glass of sauvignon blanc.  Now it is time to grab a cork screw and enjoy the warming effects of a good, quality red.
  5. Family Time.  Said glass of red wine was served at a gem of a cosy country pub in the stix of North Wales.  With my Dad, brother and landlord providing both the booze and conversation, I did not want my Autumn night to end.

1 comment:

  1. I love autumn, it's probably my favourite season! I agree with you on all of these, well not the red wine (I'm 17).
