Earlier today I heard a radio presenter talking about a new phenomenon, or rather a newly coined phrase for an old phenomenon: The Love Nugget. When we think about the epic relationships in stories, we think of grand gestures like magic carpet rides and Romeo clambering up to Juliet’s balcony (or at least Richard Gere climbing the fire exit to reach Julia.) However, what happens after the pumpkin carriage has wheeled off into the sunset with the newly-weds? Enter the Love Nugget…
Last Saturday I went to the beautiful wedding of two close friends and so am feeling particularly pro-relationship. In 2012, the divorce rate in England and Wales was said to be 42%. We can do better than this, people! Now don’t get me wrong, I am all for the extra special treat upon occasion, but there are only so many birthdays and anniversaries in a year. It is also an unfortunate by-product of today’s society that one too many bouquets of flowers from my other half would just as likely inspire suspicion as gratitude. However, believe it or not, the theory goes that a few small tokens of affection here and there are just as important as weekends in Paris or shiny shiny jewellery. So here are my particular Top Ten Love nuggets:
1) A cup of tea in bed (or coffee, whatever floats your boat.)
2) An offer to hold the remote, even if his favourite football team are playing that evening.
3) 3am taxi service for myself and my girl friends.
4) Drawing me a bubble bath, (maybe even with some candles… but baby steps.)
5) Doing the dishes without expecting a medal, even if he cooked.
6) Alone time. Give one a chance to miss the other.
7) The last rolo. Or maltesar. Or anything with chocolate in/on…
8) Pretending a really obvious pimple in the middle of your face doesn’t exist.
9) This is a weird one: Putting tomatoes in anything he cooks. (He really hates tomatoes; I love them.)
10) Maintaining the basic rules of chivalry: holding shopping bags and doors open are easy to remember for the first six months when everyone is on their best behaviour, but he should start as he means to go on.
Now here comes the catch: the whole beauty of these precious little rays of relationship sunshine is that they are supposed to be spontaneous. So nagging/bribing your partner into bringing you a cuppa in bed kind of defeats the object, so maybe if you just ‘accidentally’ leave this page open on your laptop...
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